Elder abuse is a usually a willful act where someone is trying to harm your loved one. Whether that’s a caregiver or a doctor, if you suspect or learn that someone has hurt someone you love, it is hurtful to you, too.
There are many signs of abuse that you can spot. If you see them early enough, you may be able to prevent any serious injuries from taking place.
What are some common signs of abuse?
These include:
- Scratches
- Bruising
- Broken bones
- Bedsores
- Cuts
- Overmedication
- Dehydration
- Lack of personal hygiene
Though neglect is not always intentional, it is still a type of abuse and includes signs such as poor or unsanitary living conditions and under-or overmedication.
One type of elder abuse that may be more difficult to spot is exploitation. Exploitation generally refers to a person manipulating an elderly person by deception or intimidation to obtain that person’s assets. You can watch for signs of this behavior by checking your loved one’s accounts. Missing money and unusual spending habits may be a sign that exploitation is taking place.
Our website has more information on elder abuse, neglect and exploitation. Your loved one deserves to receive appropriate care whether they’re being cared for in their own home or in a nursing home. There is never an excuse for a medical provider or caregiver to do less than they should to protect and care for your loved one. Failing to provide an appropriate standard of care can make the medical facility or individual liable for injuries to your parent or other loved one.