The term “elder abuse” encompasses a variety of situations that may occur in assisted living facilities. Without understanding the complexities of elder abuse, and the warning signs, you may not understand what to look out for.
Understanding these common myths surrounding elder abuse can help you to recognize warning signs before it is too late.
1. Physical abuse is obvious
While some signs of physical abuse are obvious, such as bruises or broken bones, others are subtle and may go unnoticed. According to, some types of physical abuse leave no physical indicators. Not only that, but some signs of physical abuse are easy to mistake as a symptom of aging, such as weight loss.
2. The victim will confirm the abuse if you ask
Unfortunately, this is one of the most devastating myths of abuse in assisted living facilities. Many victims will not speak up, even if you ask if they are experiencing mistreatment. Some victims fear that the result of reporting the abuse would be worse than the situation they are currently in. Because of this, it is important to familiarize yourself with the signs of elder neglect and abuse.
3. Elder abuse is uncommon
If you have not had a reason to investigate the occurrence of elder abuse, you may not know how common it is. According to some studies, up to 5% of assisted living facility residents receive some sort of mistreatment at the hands of their caregivers. Beyond physical abuse, emotional and sexual abuse is also prevalent.
Elder abuse is an underreported crime that often may go unnoticed. It is important to understand the severity of this type of abuse.