You may already be aware that elder neglect is a problem that is faced by many people as they age. Self-neglect is one of the leading causes of injuries in the elderly community. As a result, many families and elderly people turn to nursing homes, assisted-care facilities and home helpers to help them take better care of themselves or their loved ones.
When people age, they sometimes have an inability to perform essential self-care, like taking a bath, brushing their teeth, reaching the restroom or performing essential chores around the home.
In most cases, bringing in help does resolve the problem, since your loved one has someone to care for them and their needs. However, compounding the problem with neglect from a nursing care provider can make things much worse. They may allow an elderly person’s health to degrade or fail to assist them in taking essential medications.
Signs of elder neglect, both self-inflicted and by nursing providers include:
- Dehydration
- Unsanitary living conditions
- A lack of adequate food or nutrition
- Signs of weight loss
- Poor personal hygiene
If you notice these problems are becoming common with your loved one, it’s important to speak up and discuss these issues with them or their care providers.
Not receiving adequate care can lead to tragic cases of injury and death. Injuries may go untreated, dehydration could lead to falls and death or a lack of nutrition could cause weakness before an elderly person eventually passes away. This is all preventable. The right care makes a huge difference in the quality of life the elderly experience.