Bedsores are dangerous medical conditions that could be caused by neglect in some cases. As such, if your loved one has developed bedsores while staying in a nursing facility, you might want to investigate how the condition developed.
Here are a few points to consider while investigating your loved one’s bedsore condition:
Debilitated and bedridden patients are more likely to develop bedsores:
Bedsores usually develop when a patient is debilitated to the point of not being able to move or reposition his or her body. When left alone and neglected without adequate care, a patient like this could develop bedsores.
Technology can prevent most instances of bedsores
Medical bed technology has advanced to the point that hospital beds can be programmed to automatically reposition a patient and redistribute his or her weight to prevent the risk of bedsores. For this reason, a hospital or nursing home could have a hard time trying to explain why it allowed a patient to develop a bedsore.
Bedsores range in severity
A minor bedsore will usually heal on its own once the cause has been resolved. A severe bedsore could require more in-depth treatment, especially if a serious ulcer or open wound has developed. In some cases, a bedsore could even be deadly.
A bedsore should never be dismissed or ignored — neither from a medical perspective nor from a personal injury law perspective. If you suspect that your loved one is suffering from neglect or abuse at a nursing home in Florida, our law firm is available to help you review your legal rights and options.