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Do Nursing Homes Have to Report Abuse?

On Behalf of | Apr 5, 2021 | Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect

If your parent or other family member lives in a nursing home, you likely have various concerns, whether you worry about their emotional and social well-being or you are afraid that they have experienced abuse. It is vital to help them stand up for their rights if they experience mistreatment in a nursing home and you should review laws related to nursing home abuse as well.

Unfortunately, nursing home abuse occurs far too often and sometimes goes unreported. It is essential for nursing homes, victims and families to report any illegal abuse in nursing homes.

Nursing homes must report abuse

The Agency for Health Care Administration reports that nursing homes must report abuse under federal law. In Florida, nursing homes have to investigate and report accusations of neglect, exploitation and abuse to the AHCA.

In fact, nursing homes have to provide the AHCA with a report no more than two hours after finding out about an incident as well as a follow-up report no more than five days after discovering abuse.

Should families report nursing home abuse?

Sometimes, nursing homes fail to report abuse. If you worry about your loved one’s well-being due to mistreatment in a nursing home, you can report abuse as well. Whether you decide to reach out to a nursing home administrator, file a complaint or contact law enforcement, there are a number of ways in which you can report abuse.

It is pivotal to report abuse, negligence and other forms of mistreatment swiftly in order to prevent further harm. Moreover, victims of nursing home abuse deserve justice.

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